Homemade Beetroot Linguine
Here's a colorful take on homemade pasta. This easy recipe can be achieved even without a pasta maker although it will just take a tad longer (totally worth it, promise!). Serve it with any of your favorite sauces: creamy, pesto, tomato... just like regular pasta. For this recipe, I served it with vegan butter, sage and lemon zest.

Serving: 2-3 people
Prep time: 30 minutes to 1 hour
Cooking time: 2 minutes
Total time: 1 hour (approx)
200g all-purpose flour
80g water
10g olive oil
20g cooked or raw beetroot (just for coloring)
1g salt
Add flour and salt to a bowl. Whisk together until combined. Push the flour to the sides of the bowl, making a hole in the middle.
Mix the beetroot and water in a speed blender until smooth then strain the mix.
Pour the beetroot water and olive oil into the flour “hole”.
Mix together with a fork and then with your hands. Start kneading the dough. If it’s too crumbly, slowly add more water until you can form a ball, without it crumbling or sticking to your fingers.
Knead the dough for about 5-10 mins or until it’s smooth and doesn’t stick or crumble in your hands anymore. Let it sit for 15 minutes, covered by a damp towel.
Split the dough in half, put one half back under the towel. If you have a pasta maker, skip to 10., if you don’t, carry on reading
On a lightly floured surface, use a rolling pin to make the dough as flat possible and shape it as a rectangle. Make it as flat as you want your pasta to be.
Add flour if the dough sticks to the surface or to your hands. When it’s thin enough, sprinkle a little flour on the top and gently roll it into a log – cut the log into equal discs. This is how wide the pasta will be, so just go with your own preference – linguine, pappardelle or fettuccine.
Unroll the discs into beautiful long pasta strips. Allow them to dry for at least 10-15 minutes by either laying them flat on a cake rack or hanging them on a drying rack. (wherever you want, as long as they are able to dry without sticking to each other). This will help to keep the pasta from sticking when cooking them.
Bring a large pan of water to a boil and cook the pasta for about 1-2 mins or until the pasta floats at the surface. (taste!)